<aside> 💡 We never want Speakers to have issues with their audio or video. That's why we allow you to specify who will be Speakers. Speakers go through a System Check in before entering the Event, see their own video preview prior to going on stage, and can communicate with organizers via a backstage chat.


How to add a Speaker to your event.

  1. You need to access your Creators' Dashboard.
  2. Select your event. This will open the event tab.
  3. Click on “Add speakers” and type in their e-mail or name (if they have already attended a Venue event before).
  4. Write their name and save on the pop up.
  5. Click on OK on the event tab

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And voilà! 🎉

You have added a speaker!

When you add the speakers to your event, they'll receive an automatic calendar invitation in their email inbox - so be sure that you have updated the branding for your event first!

Now that you've created a Speaker, they will show on the Stage Queue and producers will be able to bring them up on Stage during the event. You can read more at Manage the Stage Queue.

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